Professional Tree Care Service
9 River Rd, Mossy Point NSW 2537
Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 18:00

Specialising in tree lopping, pruning, stump grinding, deadwooding, our service encompasses all of your tree and shrub requirements. We welcome any opportunity to consult and offer a free quote.

Tree Felling and Removal

Our team of climbers and groundworkers can safely fell and remove trees from any site using state-of-the-art equipment. All remains of the tree are mulched and removed from the site ensuring you’re left with a neat and tidy yard. FREE mulch is available when removing or pruning your trees.

Tree Pruning

Dangerous limbs are becoming an ever increasing problem with drastic weather patterns. Our qualified team will triage potential safety concerns and remove or prune your trees with minimal disruption to your house or business. Adhering to Australian pruning standards we offer an extensive range of services which promote foliage growth and ensure longevity.

Stump Grinding and Removal

Stump grinding is a method used to cut-down a tree stump to below the surface of the ground. It is an affordable way to remove undesirable stumps leaving you with a level, woodchip-filled surface.